Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Tonight Matthew,

Firstly, here is a WIP.

Secondly, we have the usual sketches from work.

And finally, er... This is just silly.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Frank Mugs and stuff

Decided to try out Zazzle, tell me what you think.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Plodding on.

Here's some things for November.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

With Style

More profile images of Lizzi, Eirana and Rantath.

Rather liking this style, might stick with it.

Coming out of my four month Art Block it would appear! Got to make some christmas cards this week!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


Ew red compression D:

Main characters for Adranarda. This is the most I've done since finishing Uni. I'm working on a new style, because lacking one is annoying me. I also need to re-do the Eirana engineering one, the idea is good but the sketch is awkward.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009



Wednesday, 23 September 2009


Yeah this is the only thing I've done in ages really, besides working on a tattoo for kiri. :/

Just got my desktop computer back with scanning ability. Might have a couple of crappy sketches to show, not sure.

Septembre, Septembre

Largely non-productive.
Tareen in a hammock, and Judith nodding off while watching Supernatural.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

August in a call centre.

What have we for you today, from the magical land of the call centre during slow hours?
1. Trist and Adrienne.
2 and 3. Esk.
4. Jones.
5. Studies of my left hand.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

July July!

For those of you who don't know, I recently got a job in a call centre. I haven't had time to work on anything other than stuff for Jet. Here are some things I doodled at work this week.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Ah damn it's July

Playing with ink and brush drawing Paisley and an old character of mine, Zen old pictures of whom you can see here am rather liking the new look, probably could do without the eye of horus though :/

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Quick, while it's still June!

What have we here?
1. Tareen, ahoy-hoy. 2. Ciel. 3. Louise and Almos. 4. Dance commander Spo and dubious doctor Mrsh. Yes, I am a nerd.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Jago, birds and other animals

1: I made a bit of a mess of this so I may do some fixing and post, but also I may not (going by my track record). It was interesting, anyway. 2: Here we have one of those Things, with a slightly more refined design. 3: A pic I did when I was going to do an artbook, but I gave up on such delusions.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Things for May

This is from when I had been working on a painting of a dog which used a lot of greys and browns, and directly afterwards I really felt the need to slosh some colours around. Below; I think I broke my brain trying to draw Alessi.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Things I'll probably never finish, volume 2

You may have seen a couple of these. They are being worked on very gradually over the course of the past couple of years, and who knows, I might finish some of them within the next couple of years.

And here's some male characters from Ene, to prove there are some. We have Pryce, Forn, Jago, Tyron, Almos and Simon (who looks a bit like David Tennant). None of them are necessarily final names or designs.

Monday, 27 April 2009

April Times

Hey there, how have you been this past month? I have been working on these characters, who may be recalled from a couple of earlier sketches. In the image above; Eustace, Ciel, Tareen, Araf and Maura.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Ratemydrawings fun and freinds

I've been playing too!

And secondly; I found this in my sketchbook from about two months ago. It occurs to me that my freinds are rather an attractive bunch.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

First drawing on

They don't allow nudey drawings on this site :<.

I suppose we can just do them and screenshot though :3

Friday, 20 March 2009

Marching on!

Things from the past three days. Finished of the above can be found on my site. Looking forward to the Thing next saturday!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Gunnerkrigg Court and Myface

Webcam pictures for the first two, sorry for the quality!

Doodley ideas

Starting drawing

Sketchy self portrait