Wednesday, 20 August 2008


This is based on a girl I saw in the station once. I think hijabs and headscarves look cool. I saw a girl with a lovely grey patterned one with beads on it the other day. And there was a very pretty lady with a twisty headscarf in the job centre. One day I will draw the girl wearing HUGE goth boots and a headscarf, she was awesome.

Ene things... about which I am always a little bit secretive, you know that.

OH NO, a redhead in goggles. I should totally sue Disney.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008


Something I whipped up because I've not put anything here for a while

Not sure if I like it, my eyes hurt from staring at the screen

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Bits and Bobs

Sketches for this;

This is becoming a Kath-fest blog :( This makes me sad.